NCAA Basketball

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Une petite interview de Turner :

On expanding on his comments after the Tennessee game about how much fun he had playing this season
"As a unit, we had a lot of firsts. Our first Big Ten championship together, our first Big Ten Tournament championship together, just all the stuff. We battled back and persevered through that, and that's what makes it so special. And I think hopefully coming back we'll have a lot more special times. I really had a lot of fun this year. We have a great group of guys.
"When you sit down and think about each person on the team and how special they are and how great a person they are, you're not surprised. We always had fun times around each other. The most important part was we liked being around each other. When we weren't around each other, we were trying to find a way to be around each other. We just formed a great bond and it was fun.
"We're friends, we're brothers, we battled together. They have my back and I have their back."
On if that camaraderie makes his decision about the NBA more difficult
"I actually haven't decided yet. It's a tough decision. I really love Ohio State, I love playing with my teammates. I love my teammates to death. I like the innocence of college. It's tough honestly. I guess it's a great decision to [have.] And I don't want to leave my teammates out. We battled together and it's tough."
On if a lot of people are telling him to go
"Yeah, some people are saying that. But at the end of the day, I want to be the best basketball player I can be. And you can't take the money and all the other stuff with you. I just want to be remembered as a good person and as a legend. I want to work to be a great player and get better and better. In college I have the opportunity to get better and be more prepared for the league. But whatever I do I'm going to work hard and tackle the opportunity I have."
On the innocence of college and not having to grow up yet
"I like being able to sit around and not really have anything to do but play basketball and do school. Once you go to the pros, you stop being taken care of and start taking care of a lot of people, so I'm not ready for that right now, but I don't know yet."

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