Chicago Bulls 2009/2010

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 posté par i33 : 
Sur, les commentaires des fans de Chicago, en fonction de l'évolution du score lors du match contre Sacto.

1ère mi-temps :

- everyone is killing right now
- best quarter of the season by far
- let's hope they can keep this momentum going. i want a 20 point lead at halftime so the kings think they have no chance heading into the 3rd.
- 40 pts in the first quarter...we arent the worst team in the league after all
- Tyreke Evans who? I think Rose is trying to make a point
- so how bout that tyreke evans guy?
- God damn im missing an awesome game
- but, can they keep the lead? that's my question. (Sammy? )
- Rose Dunked on those b-tches!
- Rose just dunked on the entire state of California
- Think the Kings came in tonight thinking they were playing the Cows and not the Bulls?
- if they win by 20, i'll be happy. if they win by 7 or less, i'll be frustrated. if we lose, fire VDN.

Deuxième mi-temps :

- this is kinda pissing me off. the Bulls don’t know how to play with a lead.
- this lead is getting small
- giving up 23 points of a 35 point is horrendous. part of the blame has to go to the coach. they need to get the ball in rose's hands and slow this ball game down.
- 13 points WTF. I turn away for a few. UGH
- Here comes the pain...
- Oh boy! yep, I’m worried.
- The starters are gassed. Why? Because the bench is clown shoes.
- i think salmons has a marijuana addiction
- lets go cows
- holy shit. the Bulls follow up their best half of the season with arguably their worst
- vdn should be fired on site
- this is unreal.
- 4 point lead
- This is VDN's fault. PERIOD!
- I'm going to drown myself
- Tie game. cows suck!
- the gun is in my mouth
- Bahahahahaha, this is hilarious. The Kings are amazing, in fact I think I’ll become a Kings fan. Must be nice to root for a team that tries.
- OMG. we lost the lead
- It's like watchnig game 6 of the 1992 Finals... only the exact opposite.
- I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Actually, fuck it. Go Kings, and Tyreke Evans is amazing.
- Here is what the Bulls should do : Get the ball to anyone and throw it as hard as it is possible in VDN’s face
- We lost. Unbelievable
- a truly embarassing loss
- That was the most ridiculous thing I ever saw in basketball
- we should execute VDN.
- At least we can all say we where there when history was made (tied)

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