PO 2009 2nd Round : Cavaliers (1) vs Hawks (4)

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 posté par durden-tyler : 
-- Anonyme a dit : Mais lol, je suis presque certain que tu ne l'a pas vue, vu que c'est archi-faux ce que tu racontes... --

However, during the course of the seven game series, all the calls went the 76ers way. The Bucks were called for 43 more fouls than the 76ers while also being called for 11 technical fouls compared to 2 for the 76ers. The Bucks also were tagged with 4 flagrant fouls (none for the 76ers), one of which suspended Bucks center Scott Williams for Game 7. But here’s the strange part – at that time in NBA history, there was a point system amassed by the league counting intentional and flagrant fouls. When a player’s tally reached 12 points, he was suspended for a game. In Williams case, he had 11 points against him. But after Game 6 (in which he accrued his 11th point), the league reviewed Williams flagrant foul and decided it wasn’t a one point flagrant foul, but a two point flagrant. Thus giving Williams 12 points and instantly suspending him for Game 7. And rumors abounded that should the Bucks complain to the media regarding the situation, the NBA threatened to penalize the Bucks their first round draft pick in the upcoming draft (and this was after the Bucks’ franchise as well as both Bucks’ head coach George Karl and guard Ray Allen had already been fined a grand total of $85,000 for saying that the NBA would rather see the 76ers in the Finals against the Lakers rather than the Bucks. Allen was quoted as saying, “I think there's no question. The league, as a marketing machine, the bottom line is about making money. It behooves everybody for the league to make more money, and the league knows that Philadelphia is going to make more money with L.A. than we would with L.A.”) Needless to say, the 76ers won Game 7 by the score of 108-91.

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