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 posté par dreemtim : 
Lol Bill Simmons sur T-Mac et le 2nd tour

Q: Do the 2008-09 Rockets qualify for the Ewing Theory?

A: I wanted to rule "no" because nobody ever said the words, "Uh-oh, T-Mac is gone, the Rockets are screwed now." At the same time, you can't beat the comedy of a T-Mac team finally making it past the first round 12 seasons into his career ... only he's watching from streetclothes on the bench. So let's include him. By the way, do you think the phone call played out like this before Game 3?

T-Mac: "Rick, hey, it's Tracy McGrady."

Rick Adelman (startled): "Hey, Tracy. How are you? How's rehab?"

T-Mac: "Great, great. Look, I was thinking about sitting on our bench for Game 3. I thought it could give us a boost."

Now, you're Rick Adelman. What is your proper response?

Is it, "Are you [bleeping] kidding me? Seriously? Are you KIDDING ME? Is this a prank? Who is this? This isn't funny!"

Is it, "Great idea, nothing will inspire our team like the superstar with the worst career playoff record ever?"

Is it, "That sounds great! Ironically, it's the eight-month anniversary to the day when you showed up for training camp overweight and proceeded to murder us for the next five months until we finally decided to trade you, only you one-upped us by opting for microfracture surgery and killing your value. Maybe we could celebrate with cake after the game, win or lose?"

What do you say? I don't know. These are the questions I would ask coaches if I covered an NBA team. Which is probably why I'd lose locker-room access after two weeks. Or get beaten up. Or both.

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