New Jersey Nets 2010/2011

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 posté par Ju : 
Quelques updates (assez maigres...) données par Thorn sur le futur coach, et sur le 3e choix.
La liste des candidats au poste de coach s'est réduite, reste AJ et un ou deux autres coachs.

The Nets’ coaching candidates continue to dwindle. The list, Rod Thorn said just a few minutes ago, is “pretty small.”
It was four-to six. It’s now what?
“Down to two-to-three,” Thorn said.

Avery Johnson definitely is on the list and it’s possible Thorn could speak to him again this week via phone.
Mike Brown is no longer on the list. He’s either going to take some time off or pursue something else, but it doesn’t seem as the current Cavs’ coach is interested in the Nets.
Other guys who are gone are Jeff Van Gundy, Monty Williams (the new Hornets coach) and Tom Thibodeau (the future Bulls coach).

It doesn’t leave many names, especially since Thorn was asked whether he was waiting for anyone still in the playoffs.
“I don’t think so,” he said.
Thorn also said he never spoke to Michigan State’s Tom Izzo.

Thorn said he may still do some face-to-face interviews, but it probably won’t be this week since the Nets have the big three-day workout starting tomorrow, with a total of 21 NBA teams, in their facility.

“Other than probably by phone I don’t think I’ll do anything,” Thorn said. “I’ll have some phone conversations.
“Maybe it’s people we’ve already talked to.”

Thorn continues to say he has no timetable to name a new coach.
He also said, contrary to what you’ve read, the coaching search has nothing to do with his contract status. He’s under contract until June 30 and is expected to receive a new deal in the next few weeks.


The Nets have been involved in some talks regarding current players and their draft picks, but Thorn doesn’t foresee them moving the No. 3 pick at this time.
“I would say we probably will hold on to it,” he said. “There’s always a chance you can move it, but I would say we probably would hold on to it.”

Al Iannazzone, In the 'Zzone blog.

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