Boston Celtics 2010/2011

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On the contrary, Celtics did well
By Peter May

But what about what Krstic brings to the table? Or the fact that the Celtics were 33-10 this season without Perkins and only 4-3 with him as a starter? Or that the Celtics, like the Thunder with Green, faced the possibility of not being able to re-sign Perkins?

(The Celtics had offered Perkins the maximum possible extension under the current CBA, which turned out to be a little more than he already makes. Perk, rightly thinking he might make more on the open market, said no thanks.)

Krstic is not the same kind of player as Perkins, but he is a legitimate 7-footer who has six-plus years of NBA experience and knows how to play. He started all 47 games in which he appeared, with Oklahoma City going 30-17. His rebounding and shot-blocking numbers are anemic for his size, but he is an exponential upgrade offensively over Perkins. When Krstic is on the floor, his defensive guy will have to guard him. It won't be four-on-five (or even three-on-five because no one guards Rajon Rondo, either.) Rivers can leave him on the floor at the end of games because of that. Perkins rarely finished games; Big Baby is usually the one at the end.
Krstic has decent range. He can make free throws. He will be reunited with Lawrence Frank, who coached him in New Jersey when he was at his best (and who just might be the next coach of the Celtics if Rivers steps aside.) He's only 27 and, like Perkins, has bounced back from an ACL tear. Also like Perkins, Krstic's contract is up at the end of this season. So there could be some pressure on the Celtics to re-sign him.

We also have to assume that, by making this trade, Ainge is convinced that he is going to get something from the O'Neals. Shaquille O'Neal is not that far away. Jermaine O'Neal? Who knows? We also have to assume that the Celtics are, as of now, comfortable with Delonte West's situation as the backup to Rondo. Rivers never really warmed to Robinson, anyway.

Yes, it was a shocker. No, no one saw it coming. Yes, undoubtedly, more is yet to come. But if everyone can step back and examine Perkins and his game unemotionally (admittedly, that's hard, given all that he did to come back), this is a good deal for the Celtics. They got a 7-footer in return. And they got the better player in the deal.

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