Golden State Warriors 2011/2012

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 posté par Martin Baratino : 
Bucks trade Bogut to Golden State, acquire Ellis
By Charles F. Gardner of the Journal Sentinel
Updated: 7:43 p.m.

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The Bucks are trading center Andrew Bogut and veteran guard Stephen Jackson to Golden State in exchange for Monta Ellis, Ekpe Udoh and the expiring contract of Kwame Brown, according to sources.

It's the first big deal prior to Thursday's trading deadline.

The 7-foot Bogut is moving on after spending his first six-plus seasons with Milwaukee, after being taken No. 1 overall in the 2005 draft by the Bucks.

Milwaukee gets a shooting guard to pair with point guard Brandon Jennings, giving the team a potentially dynamic starting backcourt.

Ellis has two years left on his contract totaling $22 million but he has an opt-out after next season.

Bogut played in just 12 games this season before fracturing his left ankle in a game played in Houston on Jan. 25. It's uncertain if he will be able to return this season.

The 27-year-old Bogut was a third-team all-NBA selection after the 2009-'10 season, but he was injured near the end of that season when he suffered a massive fall to the Bradley Center floor after a dunk. He had surgery on his right hand and right elbow but still wasn't healed fully at the start of last season.

Bogut had another surgery on his right elbow in April 2011.

Jackson arrived in a June 2011 trade but had problems from the start with the Bucks. He reported to training camp out of shape and eventually lost his place in the starting lineup, after oversleeping and missing a shoot-around on Jan. 20 in New York.

Jackson had not played the last nine games while seeking to be traded. He is owed $10 million for next season.

Ellis was in his seventh season with Golden State and in the last two years had been the team's franchise player.

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