
Philadelphia 76ers 2011/2012

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masquer Actualisé il y a plus de 147 mois

35W 31L (2nd Atlantic - 8th Eastern)
Home: 19-14 Away: 16-17
MC Jean Gab1
T'es trop ratal quand tu fais ton rabbin
(Dieu vivant du forum)
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La vraie question à se poser, c'est est-ce que ces mascottes sont moins ridicules que l'ancienne ? :

Houston fait peur !!
(Dieu vivant du forum)
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Putain mais c'est pire que le lynx du psg ça
MC Jean Gab1
T'es trop ratal quand tu fais ton rabbin
(Dieu vivant du forum)
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Les mascottes en photo

Philly thing
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D'après sf76, les Sixers comptent recruter Kramé Brown ( ) après avoir resigné Thad. Pas un mot sur Hawes...

En cas d'échec, le plan serait de monter un sign and trade en ajoutant une autre pièce (Speights probablement) pour récupérer un big. Et il a aussi confirmé que l'amnesty clause devrait être utilisé dès cette année, pour couper Nocioni.

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Philly thing
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Sinon, Thad est en discussion avec les Nuggets selon CBSsports...

Si Néné ne resigne pas, il seront en mesure de lui faire une belle offre qu'on ne pourra peut être pas matcher.
Philly thing
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Turner back in action

E.T semble avoir modifié sa technique de shot. Il relâche la balle un petit peu plus haut, ce qui lui donne une trajectoire plus arrondie, et surtout, sa main gauche est mieux positionnée, moins en avant.

C'est de bonne augure, mais reste à voir ce que ça va donner en face d'un défenseur...
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Quelles catastrophes graphiques ces mascottes ! What the fringe...
Auteur anonymeRépondre – Auteur Anonyme

Paye ton designer pour les mascottes !

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Franchement même le chien...
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Le renne, c'est une blague ce truc nan ??

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En voyant la tête des 3 mascottes j'en viendrais presque à regretter le lapin...
J'ai voté pour le gars aussi, le chien ou le renne c'était vraiment pas possible
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Afin de continuer mes interventions inutiles, je tiens à vous dire qu'il est désormais possible de voter pour votre future mascotte des Sixers...

cliquez ici

Pour ma part, j'ai voté pour Big Ben, alias Benjamin Franklin, qu'il est beau ce vieillard père fondateur au nez d'alcoolique !!!

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Bon les dirigeants veulent qu'il resignent, lui veut resigner, mais si une autre équipe fait une grosse offre, c'est mort c'est ça ?

Will Thaddeus Young stay with Sixers?

A WORK STOPPAGE is never fun for anyone, whether you're losing a check that has to fill your weekly needs or you're without one that has numerous numbers after the dollar sign.

While the NBA lockout really didn't matter monetarily to many of the league's players, it did count in that they couldn't practice their craft, a craft for which that they'll be paid for an average of a few years.

Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/sixers/20111202_Will_Thaddeus_Young_stay_with_Sixers_.html#ixzz1fNvCLLn5
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For 76ers swingman Thaddeus Young, the inactivity has been especially painful. Not only was the 4-year player anxious as to when the season might finally start, he also faces the uncertainty of which team he'll suit up for this season.

Young is a restricted free agent, meaning any team can make him a contract offer, which the Sixers can match to retain him. And though president Rod Thorn and coach Doug Collins continuously professed their love and need for Young in a meeting with reporters on Wednesday, it might be out of their hands as to whether they are able to keep the 23-year-old.

Young made close to $4 million last season, when he thrived as a key reserve for Collins, averaging 12.7 points, 5.3 rebounds and shot 54.1 percent from the floor. Early last season, when numbers were being thrown around, rumor had it that Young and agent Jim Tanner were looking to get something close to $11 million a year. That appears pretty steep, especially when you consider someone such as reserve guard Lou Williams is locked in the middle of a 5-year, $25 million deal.

While the Sixers desperately want to retain Young, there are factors working against them. As Thorn and Collins pointed out on Wednesday, many teams are under the salary cap, some "significantly so." An offer by one of those teams could blow the Sixers out of the water. Secondly, under the rules of the new collective bargaining agreement, team payrolls must be at least 85 percent of the salary cap. If a team finds itself having to spend an extra million or two to reach that point, they might do it by throwing it at a coveted free agent, basically overpaying just to reach the 85 percent mark. That could happen to Young.

"I'm fine, just going through the whole process," Young said yesterday, from his home in Memphis. "The days start to wind down, and I figure we're close to getting something done soon. You just want the right situation to get done for you and your family. That's where I am."

The knots in Young's stomach grow with each passing day.

Williams went through the same process Young is encountering now - being a restricted free agent but wanting to stay in the city that drafted him. He got his deal before the 2008-09 season.

"I actually talked to Thad [Wednesday] and it was very brief," Williams said. "He asked me, when I went through this process, was I nervous, and I said yes, and that was the end of the conversation.

"I hope everything works out for Thad and we would love to have him back here. We know the business aspect of this. But at the end of the day, Thad's my brother. I would love to have him back here. Obviously, everybody would."

Including Young. He has spent each of his four pro seasons here after being selected 12th overall in 2007 as a 19-year-old out of Georgia Tech. He has become a man here. He wants to stay. But it is out of his hands.

"My situation is so different because it's coming after a lockout," Young said. "We're pretty much going into this with our eyes closed and hoping for the best. At the end of the day, my agent is going to find the best situation for me. Hopefully, it will be with the Sixers. I love being there, love the city, the coach is like my second father. Obviously, they are my first choice, but I don't know what's going to happen."

That is what pulls at his youthful heartstrings. He knows that no matter what contract he signs, it will be a lucrative one. But it could come from somewhere besides Philadelphla. Which prospect intrigues him most?

"It's a little bit of both," he said. "It's very exciting for me, getting a new deal and signing. But it's also definitely a situation where I've got to be nervous, because I could be on another team this season. I've been [in Philadelphia] the last 4 years. Philly is all I know. They showed they believe in me and gave me my chance. I want to stick there. But if it doesn't work out, it's a business decision and I've got to go about it in a professional way. It won't be my choice to leave. I want to continue playing there."

Keeping Young is certainly a priority. Being able to pay him what might be offered by other teams is the problem.

"As far as we're concerned, Thad is a key player for us," Thorn said. "He's a player that I think really took advantage of the coaching that he got from Doug and the other coaches on our roster and really came back to where he was 2 years ago and built on that. We love Thad."

Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/sixers/20111202_Will_Thaddeus_Young_stay_with_Sixers_.html#ixzz1fNv5rb5Q
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Sam Dalembert a dit :
Samefisto a dit : Ouais tiens, je vais venir mouchamerder après toutes les défaites des Sixers, ce sera mon fil rouge de la saison. Fallait pas me banner.
Ca commence à faire un paquet de fils rouges : sixers, metal, L2, psg...


Le PSG c'est plus ce que c'était.

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Samefisto a dit : Ouais tiens, je vais venir mouchamerder après toutes les défaites des Sixers, ce sera mon fil rouge de la saison. Fallait pas me banner.

Ca commence à faire un paquet de fils rouges : sixers, metal, L2, psg...

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>> Larry

Pas de fausses joies, je continue bien sûr celui avec les classements de L2.

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Un ban à chaque défaite des Sixers serait encore "mieux".

Ouais tiens, je vais venir mouchamerder après toutes les défaites des Sixers, ce sera mon fil rouge de la saison. Fallait pas me banner.
Philly thing
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Samefisto a dit : Même quand Iverson était encore là, ils étaient tout bidon. Ça fait 10 ans qu'ils doivent reconstruire

Comment oses tu? Dorénavant, tu seras banni soit à chaque victoire des Lakers, soit à chaque fois que Kobe prend 25 shots. Si les deux cas de figures se présentent, tu seras banni deux jours. Les sanctions sont cumulables.

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Oui mais quand Iverson étaient là tous les pennsylvaniens croyaient encore à la bague de champion donc ça ne parlait pas de reconstruction

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Même quand Iverson était encore là, ils étaient tout bidon. Ça fait 10 ans qu'ils doivent reconstruire

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C'est clair. Surtout que la reconstruction, c'est bien joli mais depuis 2007 et le départ d'Iverson ça a été quoi le mot d'ordre ? Reconstruction. Verdict 4ans après ? Ca ne nous a mené nulle part...
Philly thing
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Sam Dalembert a dit : J'en ai marre de toujours lire "ouais, faudrait faire ça pour avoir un espoir dans un ou 2ans ! "

Tu m'étonnes. En clair, l'argument c'est "reconstruire, reconstruire coûte que coûte". Si on les écoute, on fait ça tout les 3 ans.

Le seul moyen d'être compétitif pour les Sixers, c'est la free agency, ce qui n'est pas à l'ordre du jour. Plutôt que d'apprendre la culture du tankage, pourquoi ne pas laisser les jeunes se forger une expérience en playoffs et une fois que le contrat de Brand expire, tenter un coup sur le marché...

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J'en ai marre de toujours lire "ouais, faudrait faire ça pour avoir un espoir dans un ou 2ans ! "

Sixers should subtract Brand, Iguodala

ASSUMING THE NBA and its players aren't stupid enough to deep-six the handshake agreement that will get the season under way, I don't care much about the particulars of the deal.

Unless you're a family member or close friend, who gets what percentage of a huge pot isn't something that should concern you.

The bottom line is that the players are going to stay rich and the owners are going to stay even richer.

But with an amnesty provision included in the agreement, the Sixers need to take a step back from the progress they made last season under coach Doug Collins with the intent to move forward toward the future.

Much of the good things about the 2010-11 Sixers were amplified because they were compared to the wretched, one-season reign of Eddie Jordan that preceded it.

Realistically, however, the Sixers were a .500 team that got eliminated in the first round of the playoffs by a team that went to the NBA Finals. Those are the same results as the 2008-09 team that no one believed was moving in the right direction.

The Sixers shouldn't try to fool themselves that they are more than they are. They have some potential in young players such as Jrue Holiday, Evan Turner and Thaddeus Young (assuming Young, a restricted free agent, returns), but they need a good shake-up before becoming a serious player in the Eastern Conference.

The Sixers played about as well as could have been expected and finished seventh in the East. This is not an elite roster that can challenge the likes of the Miami Heat, Chicago Bulls, Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic or New York Knicks.

With the amnesty clause, the Sixers have a one-time opportunity to change the dynamics of the roster.

It's simple. Use the amnesty to remove the remaining years of Elton Brand's contract from the salary cap and then trade Andre Iguodala in whatever deal that will take the remaining years of his deal off the books.

The Sixers' payroll of $54.8 million is 14th in the NBA, with the salary cap projected at around $58 million. There is not enough bang for that many bucks. If the Sixers waive Brand, that will shed $17.1 million from this year's cap number and, more importantly, $18 million in 2012-13.

If the Sixers can move Iguodala in a deal that will shed all or most of the $14.7 million in cap space he is responsible for in 2012-13, they may be able to jump-start their rebuilding program rather than spin their wheels for another two seasons.

The Sixers are not going to be a factor in this abbreviated season. They could set themselves up to have hope for a brighter future. If they can rid themselves of Brand's deal and make the correct kind of Iguodala trade, one that obviously involves expiring contracts, they could shed nearly $35 million in cap space for 2012-13.

Factor in Andres Nocioni's team option of $7.5 million for 2012-13, and the Sixers could be looking at a windfall of cap space to alter the roster.

Obviously, that won't all be available because you're going to have to sign draft picks, and you'd think they will want to get Young under contract before he becomes an unrestricted free agent after this season. But if the Sixers do this right, they could end the abbreviated season with Young, Holiday, Turner, Lou Williams and first-round pick Nikola Vucevic under contract and have the ability to fix the rest of the roster in meaningful ways.

Ultimately, it might not work, but it offers more hope than the Sixers presently have. And that's more than anyone could have expected out of the NBA lockout.

Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/sixers/20111129_John_Smallwood_.html#ixzz1fBZTlXp8
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Un petit PP géré par Philly et moi ? Merci

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Philly thing a dit : Espérons qu'on se tape pas un back to back to back à l'extérieur...

Pour bien démarrer la saison
Philly thing
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Yep et d'ailleurs, on ne jouera probablement pas à domicile avant Janvier vu que le Wells Fargo accueil un show sur glace de Disney. Reste à savoir combien de matchs on va jouer d'ici là. Espérons qu'on se tape pas un back to back to back à l'extérieur...

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The Sixers are expected to open on the road, possibly the West Coast, and likely on Dec. 26.


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D'ailleurs, ça rigole pas, sacré CV pour ceux qui vont être chargés de remplacer le lapin, tombé amoureux, et qui préfère se retirer dans la campagne de Pennsylvanie pour fonder une famille... (!!!)

nba.com/sixers a dit : Based in Los Angeles and New York with satellite shop capabilities internationally, the Shop is known for designing and building some of the world's best known characters including Elmo from "Sesame Street," Miss Piggy from "The Muppet Show," the Baby from "Dinosaurs," Rygel from "Farscape," and the Skeksis from "The Dark Crystal." Other credits include “Where the Wild Things Are,” "Five Children and It," the critically acclaimed television series "Farscape," "George Of The Jungle," "101 Dalmatians," "Cats and Dogs,” and most recently, “Sid the Science Kid” currently airing on PBS KIDS.

Bon... Et ils ont pas autre chose à foutre avec la saison qui débute dans un mois ?
Philly thing
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Time to get it on!
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Et pendant ce temps, Hip-Hop se barre et ça n'inquiète personne ?
Ace of Spades
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il y avait un topic Sixers....?

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Retour pour Noël !!!

Philly thing
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La vente aux enchères d'Erving lui à rapporté 3.5 millions de dollars. Les Sixers ont acheté un total de 18 objets lui appartenant, mais la bague de champion 83' n'en fait pas partie...

Sinon, le FO voudrait lui proposer un poste au sein du club mais...ils n'ont pas encore décidé quel serait le poste en question.
Philly thing
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Sam Dalembert a dit : http://www.basketusa.com/news/85394/top-10-du-jour-les-dunks-dandre-iguodala-en-201011/ Petite préférence pour le 5 Ca fait du bien de voir un peu de jeu ces temps-ci...

Hum, sacré lockout de merde. Du point de vue des Sixers, c'est probablement l'une des plus mauvaises choses qu'il pouvait arriver. On a une équipe qui comporte de jeunes pièces qui doivent se nourrir d'expérience pour espérer passer un cap et on prend du retard avec ce coup d'arrêt. Au lieu de se battre pour passer de 40 à 50 victoires, ils vont devoir se contenter de ronger leurs freins le temps que cette mascarade prenne fin.

En espérant que la saison commence...vite.
Ace of Spades
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C'est une définition assez juste je trouve !
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"Sous-estimé, Andre Iguodala est pourtant un joueur ultra-complet, sorte de LeBron James du pauvre."


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Samefisto a dit : Puis tu choisis le meilleur...

Pas compris

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Puis tu choisis le meilleur...

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Petite préférence pour le 5
Ca fait du bien de voir un peu de jeu ces temps-ci...

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Philly thing a dit : So long, motherfucker.

Philly thing
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La 2eme nouvelle, c'est que la vente de la franchise a été officialisée par la ligue. Will Smith et sa femme deviennent actionnaires minoritaires d'ailleurs.

Petite phrase de Snider pour finir: "This is one of the hardest business decisions I've ever had to make," Snider said on Tuesday. "The Sixers are family, and it is very difficult to say goodbye to an organization of great people with whom we have worked so closely over the last 15 years."

So long, motherfucker.
Philly thing
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Apparemment, la piste Stefanski a été abandonnée par les Raptors. Mais quoiqu'il en soit...

Stefanski out with Sixers

General manager Ed Stefanski has been relieved of his duties, the new Sixers owners announced in their introductory press conference.

Rod Thorn will remain as team president and will be the “captain of the ship,” according to majority owner Josh Harris.

“We were lucky enough when we bought the team to have two fantastic people doing one job,” Harris said. “We are going to stay with Rod. There are no current plans to replace Ed.”

Speculation had been that Jason Levien, a former NBA player agent and executive with the Sacramento Kings, would be involved in player personnel. Levien is one of the minority owners.

Asked about ownership’s involvement in player personnel, Harris said, “You can be assured that we are interested owners. We will be very focused, with lots of debate about what we do with players. At the end of the day, Rod is the captain of that ship. He will run that part of our organization. We will speak with you through one voice, Rod and Doug [Collins] voice when it comes to players.”


Philly thing
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Sam Dalembert a dit : Portrait sévère quand même !

Et encore, t'as pas vu les portraits que lui ont fait la plupart des mecs du board Raptors de RealGM. Ils se frappent la tête contre les murs depuis 3-4 jours.


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Marreese Speights remplace Byron Mullens en Grèce

Byron Mullens a joué un mauvais tour à Panionios, rentrant aux Etats-Unis sans prévenir personne. Et le club grec, logiquement furieux, envisageait de porter plainte auprès de la FIBA pour la préjudice subi.

Mais Andy Miller, l’agent de l’intérieur de Oklahoma City Thunder, a peut-être trouvé une meilleure solution. Car c’est un autre de ses clients, Marreese Speights, qui va remplacer Byron Mullens dans l’effectif de Panionios.

Plus expérimenté et plus doué, le joueur des Sixers est une meilleure recrue que son prédécesseur. Une façon de régler les choses qui arrange tout le monde.


Mais oui casse-toi !

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Philly thing a dit : C'est la fin du Cerbère, yeeha!

"On one hand, you can’t blame the guy for looking for job security with a new franchise with the impending sale of the Sixers and the fact that he has one year left on his contract.
On the other hand, we’re ready to drive him to the border. The guy made one wise decision — hiring Doug Collins. Then again, was that his choice or that of Rod Thorn?
The rest of his resume is worse than Billy King’s. He overpaid to keep Andre Iguodala. He brought in Elton Brand instead of finding a way to get Josh Smith. Oh, and the Eddie Jordan fiasco was a train wreck from the start.
This guy has been living on borrowed time for the last year anyway. Honestly, Edward, nobody’s going to miss you in Sixerville.


Portrait sévère quand même !
Philly thing
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Stefanski in talks to become Raptors’ GM

Philadelphia 76ers executive Ed Stefanski is engaged in advanced talks with the Toronto Raptors to take over as general manager, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

"Stefanski would move into the franchise’s No. 2 basketball executive job under president Bryan Colangelo. Stefanski, who is in the final year of his deal in Philadelphia and has the GM title, knows he probably won’t be retained after his contract expires, sources said. "

Après Ed Jordan, Ed Snider, voici Ed Stefreaky qui est sur le point de quitter son poste. C'est la fin du Cerbère, yeeha!
Philly thing
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Garcy22 a dit :
Philly thing a dit : Ce serait du pur gâchis s'il partait dans une ligue mineure. Ce n'est pas là bas qu'il pourrait progresser...
Quand tu es un des meilleurs 6eme homme de la ligue, tu n'es (grosso modo) que le 150ème meilleur joueur de la NBA alors qu'en partant en Chine, il devient une superstar (top10) de la ligue!

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