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The Return Of Josh

Ric Bucher, ESPN The Magazine: Josh Childress will return to the NBA next season, and commissioner David Stern will not be able to keep the smile off his face at his first news conference for the 2009-10 season. (Ce sont des prédictions ?
Parce que je vois pas ou il a attendu que Childress allait revenir en NBA... ?

The whole idea that European leagues would start luring talent away from the NBA in increasing droves or lure a superstar for a gazillion dollars never made much sense, but Childress' hasty return will drive the point home. For European owners, the financial infrastructure simply isn't there for every team to pay two or three current NBA players the money necessary to lure them over the pond, as well as pay the home-grown stars.

Yeah, the dough is tax-free; yeah, you get a car and a chef and free apartment -- the fact is, it's still an entirely different culture and an entirely different style of play. The average NBA player can afford all the above-mentioned perks, see friends and family, and still salt away a big chunk of his income. Living well in isolation is still living in isolation.

Keep in mind, Childress, as a well-rounded Stanford alum, is the rare NBA player who could appreciate the cultural experience of living in another country for a year. If that holds no appeal and the money isn't convincing enough, there is no other attraction. No one becomes a global icon by dominating in Italy or Greece. No one is recognized as one of the best players in the world by helping Real Madrid to a title. Nenad Krstic said as much when he left Moscow after a half-season to join the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Think about it -- he's leaving one of the most lavish, winning teams in all of Europe, based in one of its most cosmopolitan cities, to join the NBA's losingest team in one of its least sophisticated cities. And, by all accounts, it's a dream come true.

None of this, by the way, is to cast aspersions on the international game or foreign leagues. It's simply that the idea that the NBA has legitimate competition is being fostered by those who resent its stranglehold on the world's best talent and what it's doing with it.

The end of Josh's excellent adventure will make that clear.

Comment ils se pignolent ces jounaleux US
On leur a dit au moins que tout se cassait la gueule niveau financier en Europe (en surtout l'Europe de l'Est)
J'sais plus quand, je lisais un blog sur les équipes féminines en Russie dont les joueuses attendaient leurs salaires depuis 4-5mois déja...

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