Portland Trail Blazers 2009/2010

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 posté par i33 : 
bustabucket.com :
"Don't get me wrong, the first quarter was excellent. The Blazers went right at Mikki Moore and Oden got him in foul trouble early. Greg looked aggressive, capable and willing to score and rebound. Brandon was hitting, things were smooth like they should be. Then LaMarcus and Greg got two fouls and were yanked from the game. Our two best big men, guys who can change the entire game with tempo and skill, were not playing.
That's when the melt-down started. The Blazers looked completely atrocious in the 2nd quarter. They were stagnant on offense and unwilling on defense. An incredible 10 turnovers in one quarter! It's really amazing that Portland even scored 15 points.
Why deviate from the game-plan? Why was Greg not involved again after the first quarter? Why do I feel like this team is on the brink of either getting better quickly or collapsing before our eyes?

blazersedge.com :
"Of that list, the last one was perhaps the most difficult to watch, as Nate McMillan clung inflexibly to his "2 fouls and you're done for the half" rule, benching both Greg Oden and LaMarcus Aldridge for the entire second quarter. The players combined to finish with just 6 fouls for the entire game, and their significant size and skill advantages were forfeited not only during the time they were on the bench but also during much of the third quarter, when both players struggled to get themselves back in a rhythm after such a long rest."

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