New York Knicks 2009/2010

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When decades come to an end, lists spout up like weeds, so we here at The Score came up with one right up our alley, James Dolan's Greatest Misses. Cablevision's favorite son has given us so much throughout the past 10 years, we thought it was time to give back. Enjoy.

10. Not hiring Tom Thibodeau
When Van Gundy quit, Dolan had the opportunity to hire an obscure assistant coach but instead went for the safe pick and promoted Don Chaney.

9. Firing Larry Brown for cause
Dolan canned Brown after one season basically because Brown criticized the players in the newspapers which was and has been Brown's M.O. for years. You mean to tell me the Knicks didn't know this before they hired him. Dolan had three great coaches in this decade - Van Gundy, Wilkens and Brown - and he couldn't wait to get rid of them.

8. Giving Allan Houston $100 million
In the post-Checketts era, Dolan wanted to make a big splash all by himself so he gave his all-time favorite Knick an absurd contract even though no other team was willing to offer $70 million. The Knicks haven't won a playoff series since Houston singed on the dotted line and chronic knee problems eventually forced Houston retire.

7. Running Marcus Camby and Latrell Sprewell out of town.
Dolan viewed them as bad guys who would only bring the organization down. And in some ways he was right. Scott Layden couldn't get fair market value for either player, which accelerated the club's downward spiral. And when the trades didn't work out, Layden took the fall.

6. Firing Lenny Wilkens
Following a last-second loss to Jeff Van Gundy and the Rockets, Dolan demands that Isiah fire Wilkens despite a 40-41 record. Worst of all, the Knicks force Wilkens, a fine and proud man, to agree to say that he was resigning. It was despicable.

5. Refusing to extend Jeff Van Gundy's contract
Despite Van Gundy's success, Dolan denies the coach's request for an extension and tells associates that Van Gundy is too critical of the players in the press. Within six months, Van Gundy resigns.

4. Promoting Steve Mills
He wasn't ready for the big time and proved it by recommending two hires to Dolan; Isiah and Anucha Browne-Sanders. Enough said.

3. Giving Marbury the keys to the franchise
Dolan agrees to hire some of Marbury's family members and is convinced by Isiah that Marbury will return the club to prominence.

2. Hiring Isiah Thomas
Millions of bucks wasted on average players, the future sacrificed by poorly conceived trades, a sexual harassment lawsuit, damage to the brand name, Stephon Marbury, Jerome James and a partridge in a pear tree.

1. Firing Dave Checketts
Dolan didn't want to be in the shadow of Checketts, who enjoyed unprecedented success in the '90s. Checketts goofed by trading Patrick Ewing but he would have corrected the mistake before 2010 that's for sure.

Honorable mention: Destroying MSG Network.

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