Philadelphia 76ers 2010/2011

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 posté par Philly thing :

Excellent article sur Thorn et pas mal de détails croustillants. J'ai appris pas mal de choses, comme MJ qui aurait pu revetir le maillot des Sixers, ou Marvin Bad News Barnes dont je n'avais jamais entendu parler

But he's got stories. Like that 1984 draft. Half the teams in the league were calling the Bulls with trade offers. Coveting Jordan, the Sixers called offering Andrew Toney and the No. 5 pick for that third pick. It wasn't a terrible offer. Toney was coming off his last strong season, and that fifth pick turned out to be Charles Barkley. But Thorn said he didn't get too interested in the deal.

"In my mind, Charles wasn't big enough to do in the pros what he had done in college - which would certainly have been a mistake," Thorn said. "He could do in the pros what he did in college."

"Unknown to Thorn, Sixers owner Harold Katz had made his own call to Bulls managing partner Jonathan Kovler, seeing if the Bulls would be interested in trading that third pick to the Sixers for Julius Erving, who would play three more seasons in the league. Kovler never approached Thorn with the offer, Thorn said. He first learned of it recently when Filip Bondy wrote a book about the '84 draft, Tip Off: How the 1984 NBA Draft Changed Basketball Forever."

Thorn coached the ultimate coach-killer, Marvin "Bad News" Barnes. Allen Iverson might get perfect attendance awards if one compared him to Barnes, who would go completely AWOL for days between games. That's not including the two weeks Barnes missed for his trial for allegedly beating a Providence College teammate with a tire iron, Thorn said. He was a talent, though. The Sixers had drafted Barnes in the first round, second overall, before he signed with the ABA.

"He told me one time, 'You know something, Coach? I get you 24 and 12 every night, and you're on my butt all the time. I don't get it. Why don't you go talk to some of these other guys?' "

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