Oklahoma City Thunder 2010/2011

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 posté par AiR1 : 
Après McDaniel qui avait joué le rôle de mentor pour Kemp, voici Perkins pour Ibaka.
Et 10.2 ppg, 9.8 rpg and 4.0 bpg pour Ibaka depuis qu'il joue auprès de Perkins.


It’s a key in any good mentor-protege relationship. You need a strong, vocal leader with experience. It’s why Jerry was such a good mentor to Bania. It’s why that ovaltine stuff killed.

And it’s a lot of the reason Serge Ibaka has taken such a leap the past few weeks. He has a mentor. A big, scary, mean mentor that’s pushing him, teaching him how to play with an edge.

The impression Kendrick Perkins has made on Ibaka has been obvious. Much in the same way that Kevin Garnett schooled Perk in the ways of nasty, physical, intimidating play, Perkins has begun to impart that same wisdom on Ibaka.

“Perk does a lot for him,” Kevin Durant said recently. “You can hear him say ‘Serge, go block that’, and Serge just automatically responds and he goes and blocks it. I think it’s just that little push there with a veteran guy down there with you. They’re playing well together. He’s gotta keep it up.”

It’s a thought that hit me during the Charlotte game while watching Perk pat Ibaka on the head after a good hard foul. Perk is teaching Serge how to play with an edge. When he was in Boston, Perkins was the younger guy playing center next to one of the all-time power forwards in league history and next to one of the most intense, amped up defenders the game has ever seen.

KG is an emotional leader and someone that makes an impact on the court not just with his play, but with the way he holds players accountable. Perkins played a three-plus seasons of his seven total with Garnett and the difference KG made on Perk in those last couple was evident. Perkins has become one of the league’s most feared enforcers, someone not to be trifled with in the paint.

He’s brought that same mentality with him from Beantown to Oklahoma City. He’s the Thunder’s Big Ticket, and more importantly, the KG to the young 21-year-old power forward from the Congo.

Perk isn’t shy about getting on his teammates when they screw up or don’t live up to the defensive standard the team plays by. And with Ibaka being his frontcourt partner in crime, Perk doesn’t let Serge get away with anything. Against the Wizards in Perkins’ first game, after Ibaka failed to contest an easy attempt at the rim, Perk came over and fouled the Washington player, preventing an easy basket. Immediately, No. 5 was in No. 9′s face, letting him know about his missed assignment.

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