PO 2012 WCF : Spurs (1) vs Thunder (2)

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 posté par AiR1 : 
A propos du hack-a-shaq :
(perso je reste contre ce genre de stratégie de caniveau)

Scott Brooks was asked if he had ever considered using the Hack-A-Shaq strategy on Tiago Splitter before the game. He said, “It’s an option that we have. We’ve thought about it.” Well, the Thunder broke it out late in the third quarter fouling Splitter intentionally. He hit five of 10 from the stripe, making it a break even thing. But I think it was extremely smart because it slowed the pace of the game down and took the Spurs out of that ridiculous offensive rhythm they had going. In that situation, it was an extremely wise choice to make.

Said Brooks after the game on the strategy: “It changed the tempo a bit. I mean, they were fast tonight. The ball was just all over the floor with quick passes, passes that were right in their shooting pockets, and it kind of threw their rhythm out a little. He stepped up and made [five] of them. He did better than his playoff percentage. But if on occasion we have an opportunity to do it again, we will.”

Of course this is a Gregg Popovich strategy to which he said, “It was a good move. I might’ve done it … I’ve never tried that before. I think it’s a really lousy thing to do. It’s unsportsmanlike. But no, it’s a good move. If there’s a reason to do it and they felt there was a good reason to do it, and they did it. So it was a good move.”

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