PO 2012 ECF : Heat (2) vs Celtics (4)

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Kevin Garnett Is Consistently Amazing
by Jeff Clark on Jun 6, 2012 3:45 AM PDT

Nobody makes better "intense" faces than Kevin Garnett

What else can you say about Kevin Garnett at this point? During these playoffs, he's basically carried the team on his wiry shoulders and delivered consistent huge performances game after game after game.

One win from the Finals, Kevin Garnett playing as well as he ever has as a Celtic -Celtics blog
Garnett has played well in almost every game of the playoffs. Consider Garnett's point totals this postseason: 20, 15, 20, 13, 16, 28, 29, 15, 27, 9, 20, 20, 18, 23, 18, 24, 17, and 26. The one dud in 18 games was in a loss to the Sixers in Game 2. Even with that, he's averaged 19.8 points and 10.8 rebounds in the playoffs. The only time his numbers have been better were during the 2008 playoffs, when he averaged 20.4 points and 10.5 rebounds. "It's up there probably since the first year when he came, and he was averaging 20 and 10 every night in the playoffs" said Pierce. "He's dominating. We're taking advantage of him."

Last night was no different. When the team needed him, as tired as he surely was, he delivered time and again.

A lot left in KG’s tank - BostonHerald.com
When he returned in that final quarter, he added a key rebound, made a huge block on a LeBron James drive and hit an 18-footer from the right baseline (off a nice pass-out from Pierce). Then with 8.8 seconds left and the Celts clinging to a two-point lead, he was fouled on an inbounds pass and stepped up to the line. Two shots that caught purely net later, the Celtics were on their way to a 3-2 lead in the Eastern Conference finals. Garnett finished with 26 points, 11 rebounds and two blocks, giving the Celts a chance to finish the Heat tomorrow night at the Garden.

Keep it going Ticket.

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